Chapter 5
Modeling with Differential Equations

5.3 Periodic Motion

5.3.5 Derivatives of Sine and Cosine 1: Examination

To model repeating phenomena by sine and cosine functions, we need to know the rates of change of these two functions. Thus, it is time to calculate those derivatives.

We start with some pictorial evidence of what to look for. In Figure 5, we show a graph of the sine function and in Figure 6 a graph of an approximate derivative, calculated as

approximate derivative of sin ( t ) = sin ( t + 0.001 ) - sin ( t ) 0.001 .
Figure 5   The sine function   Figure 6   Approximate derivative of sin t

Activity 5

Click on either figure to get printable copies of Figures 5 and 6, and print the pop-up page.

  1. On Figure 5 label `0` and `1` on the vertical axis. Indicate the `t` values of the points where the graph intersects the horizontal axis. Label the approximate position of `1` on the horizontal axis.

  2. The scales are the same for Figure 6 -- label it also.

  3. Why does the expression

    sin ( t + 0.001 ) - sin ( t ) 0.001

    approximate the derivative of `sin t`?

  4. What do you see in the graph in Figure 6? What function do you think is the derivative of `sin t`?

Comment 5Comment on Activity 5

In Figures 7 and 8, we do the same thing with the cosine function that we just did with the sine function. The image in Figure 8 is the graph of

approximate derivative of cos ( t ) = cos ( t + 0.001 ) - cos ( t ) 0.001 .
Figure 7   The cosine function   Figure 8   Approximate derivative of cos t

Checkpoint 5Checkpoint 5

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