Chapter 6 - Antidifferentiation

About this Chapter

Section 6.1 Finding Antiderivatives
6.1.1 Examples of Antiderivatives
6.1.2 Antiderivatives Involving Exponential and
         Logarithmic Functions
6.1.3 Antiderivatives Involving Inverse
         Trigonometric Functions
Section Summary

Section 6.2 Separation of Variables
6.2.1 Natural Versus Constrained Growth
6.2.2 Symbolic Solutions 1: Natural Growth
6.2.3 Symbolic Solutions 2: Calculating and Checking
Section Summary

Section 6.3 The Logistic Growth Equation
6.3.1 A New Antidifferentiation Problem
6.3.2 Finding an Antidifferential
6.3.3 Solution of the Logistic Growth Equation
6.3.4 Exponential Approach to Stability
6.3.5 Population Growth in the United States
6.3.6 Testing for Logistic Growth
Section Summary

Chapter Summary
Chapter Review
Concepts and Applications