Chapter 7 - The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

About this Chapter

Section 7.1 Averaging Continuous Functions: The Definite Integral
7.1.1 Average Temperature
7.1.2 Average Speed and Distance Traveled: First Estimate
7.1.3 Average Speed and Distance Traveled: Better Estimates
7.1.4 Subdivide and Conquer
7.1.5 Area Under a Curve
7.1.6 The Definite Integral
7.1.7 Continuous Functions
7.1.8 Average Value of a Continuous Function
Section Summary

Section 7.2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
7.2.1 Speedometer and Odometer
7.2.2 The First Half of the Fundamental Theorem:
         Evaluation of Definite Integrals
7.2.3 Powerful Notation: The Indefinite Integral
7.2.4 The More Important Half of the Fundamental Theorem:
         Representation of Functions
Section Summary

Chapter Summary
Chapter Review
Concepts and Applications

Project 1. Area of Your Hand

Project 2. Area of Crater Lake