Chapter 7
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Chapter Summary

Chapter Review

We have introduced the second key concept of calculus, that of "continuous accumulation," as expressed in the definite integral,

a b f ( t )   d t .

Roughly speaking, this concept embodies the idea of adding up infinitely many infinitely small quantities. More precisely, we form left-hand sums

k = 1 n f ( t ) Δ t

whose terms are products of function values and widths of subintervals. The definite integral is then the limiting value of these sums as `n -> oo`.

If the function `ftext[(]t text[)]` is nonnegative for all values of `t` in the interval, then the definite integral represents the area below the graph of `f` and above the interval `[a,b]`. If `vtext[(]t text[)]` is the velocity of an object moving in a straight line, then the integral of `vtext[(]t text[)]` is the distance traveled between the times `t=a` and `t=b`. For any continuous function `f`, the average value of the function over the interval `[a,b]` is

1 b - a a b f ( t )   d t .

Integration and differentiation are almost inverse operations. The exact relation between the two operations is contained in the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus:

Part I   If `f` is a continuous function from `a` to `b`, then `f` is the derivative of the function `F` defined by

F ( x ) = a x f ( t )   d t .

Part II   If `F` is any function whose derivative throughout the interval `[a,b]` is `f,` then

a b f ( t )   d t = F ( b ) - F ( a ) .

The first part tells us how to construct antiderivatives by definite integration — a powerful idea when using a calculator or computer that can automate integration. The second part tells us how to use antiderivatives to compute definite integrals. We introduced the name indefinite integral of `f` for the family of antiderivatives of `f` and denoted this f ( t )   d t . With this notation and an evaluation bar, we may write the formula in Part II as

`int_a^b ftext[(]t text[)] dt = ``int` `ftext[(]t text[)] dt |_a^b`.

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