Chapter 9
Probability and Integration

9.2 Improper Integrals

9.2.3 A Geometric Look at Failure Times

Two functions played important roles in Section 9.1: The cumulative failure fraction function

F ( t ) = 1 - e - r t

and its derivative

f ( t ) = r e - r t .

For reasons we will explore in the next section, `F` is called an exponential distribution function and `f` is called an exponential density function. As we will see, it is no accident that the word "density" is turning up again. Recall that density played a role in our moment and center of mass calculations in Chapter 8 — calculations that were about continuous distribution of mass. In this chapter the corresponding concept will be continuous distribution of probability.

Observe that `F text[(] 0 text[)] = 0`. (That is, at the instant we turn all the bulbs on, none has burned out yet.) Thus `F text[(] t text[)]` is the solution of the initial value problem

d y d t = f ( t ) , y ( 0 ) = 0.

According to the Fundamental Theorem, this means that

F ( T ) = 0 T f ( t )   d t .

For the light bulb failure functions, we could check this last formula by direct calculation. However, this is a correct conclusion about the solution `F` of any initial value problem of the form

d y d t = f ( t ) , y ( 0 ) = 0,

where `f` is a continuous function. We will use this more general assertion in the next section.

We observed in Section 9.1 that the probability of a failure between time `t=a` and time `t=b` is `F text[(] b text[)] - F text[(] a text[)]`. But that is also the value of the integral of `f` from `a` to `b`. Thus the probability of a failure between time `t=a` and time `t=b` is

a b f ( t )   d t ,

where `f` is the exponential density function. This in turn gives us an interpretation of probability as area (see Figure 1): The probability of failure in a given time interval is the area under the graph of the density function over that interval.

Figure 1   Probability of failure between `t = a` and `t = b`

Checkpoint 3Checkpoint 3

Example 4

Interpret expected time to failure as

  1. a moment and
  2. the center-of-mass coordinate `bar t` for the region shown in Figure 2 (extended to `oo`).
Figure 2   Region under the graph of the exponential density function

Solution   The horizontal moment for the region shown in Figure 2 is

M y = 0 t f ( t )   d t .

But this is the integral expression we derived for expected failure time in the preceding section. To find `bar t` from this expression, we need to divide by the area of the region. You just showed in Checkpoint 3 that the area of the region is `1`, so in this case `bar t` and `M_y` are the same number:

t ¯ = 0 t f ( t )   d t .

One way to read this last formula is that the expected (or average) failure time is the weighted average of all possible failure times, where the weight for each `t` is given by the density function `f text[(] t text[)]`. If the sum of all the end solutionweights is `1`, one may skip the step of dividing by the sum of the weights.

Checkpoint 4Checkpoint 4

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