Aaron Bluitt

My Voting Experience

My Tuesday at the voting polls was an interesting day to say the least. It started out with me waking up and trying to figure out what voting poll that I was going to go to. I got an e-mail from Mr. Long giving me a website to go to find a race and a polling location in Indiana. While I ended up picking the senate race between Republican Dan Coats, and Democrat Brad Ellsworth, I had a hard time figuring out what polling place to go to. While there were a number of nearby polls on the boarder of Indiana and Kentucky, I wasn't comfortable going to any of them. I decided to take a 2 hour drive to Indianapolis where I felt comfortable going to. It also gave me excuse to escape Kentucky and go back home for the rest of the day.

When I arrived back home in Indianapolis I called my mom and asked her where it was she went to vote. She told me she voted at the Jewish Community Center, which is surprisingly only 2 minutes away from where I live. Before I left I typed up the two different candidates on a sheet of paper and took a Kleenex box and made it my ballot box. I arrived there at around 3 o'clock, when people started to get off of work. I felt a bit weird being there by myself but I did what I had to do. The first person that I went up to was a middle-aged women. I tried reciting my lines, that I had memorized by the way, and she turned my down as soon as I said my first word. That was not a confidence booster for how my 30 minutes in the cold were going to go. Surprisingly the rest of the people were nice. I ended up getting my target 30 people with almost a split in people reactions. (14 Ellsworth, 16 Coats). My experience overall was a pretty good one.