Emily Condit


MAT 115

            On Tuesday, November 2nd I went to Alexandria, KY fair grounds and asked people to take a poll after they finished voting for who they wanted to win the Kentucky Senate election. Jamie and I rode to this location together, but split up once we arrived there and were able survey multiple different people. I was at the fairgrounds, where the voting took place, from about 1 until 1:45. There wasn’t a huge rush of people, but people came in and out of voting at a pretty consistent rate. There were two doors where the people could go in and out of to vote. I stood outside one of the doors and conducted the exit poll as people finished voting and I caught them on their way out. I was able to talk to Twenty-Seven voters total. Fifteen of those voters chose Paul to win, while 9 voters voted for Conway. I had three voters who said “no thank you” when I asked if they had a free minute, but it was okay because I could tell they seemed as if they were in a hurry. For the most part everyone I talked to was very cooperative and nice when I was explained what I was doing. It was a bit intimidating having to stop people when they walked by, but once I explained how simple the process was whoever I  talked to was happy to help. While there, one of the ladies who was working the precinct came out to ask what Jamie and I were doing. When we explained she was very understanding and said that she was just trying to make sure we weren’t campaigning for either candidate. Over all I had a good experience while doing this and was fortunate that the people I ran into were all very kind and willing to work with me!