Kelsie Gudgeon

Professor Long


2 November 2010


            This was a very interesting day for me. I have never voted before and I am not registered to vote. My partner for this project was Brittany Bertram. I had contacted the Clerk’s office as you had previously suggested. The woman gave me the address of 176 Johns Hill Road for our project. Brittany drove and I had used Map Quest but unfortunately map quest had led us wrong and we had to find the place ourselves. Thankfully, Brittany spotted a sign that said, vote here, and we were off.

            Our first voter was an older gentleman who was very kind and after we explained to him what we were doing, by saying, “Hello sir, we are NKU students conducting an exit poll for our Math class. Here are two slips of paper that have two state senators names on them. You can place which on your voted for in the box and keep the other and we will never know the difference. It is completely confidential.” He told us okay and dropped his vote into our box. We smiled and thought, well, that was easy. Yet, I am afraid we spoke too soon because next an older woman, wearing a bright flamingo pink blazer strutted out of the police station and approached us. She gave us a hard look and said, “What, may I ask, are you doing out here?” Flustered, Brittany and I explained what has going on and she said, I’ll have to check with the counsel inside the building. Stunned, Brittany and I waited for the mean old lady to come back out. Five minutes later she did and said that we were able to but only if we didn’t approach people till after they voted. We quickly agreed and she went back inside.

            A tad more cautious this time, we continued our poll. Every person we approached had kindly consented to do as we asked. Everything was going great until another hateful woman came out and asked us the same question that the other did! Exasperated, we explained what we were up to and she said she also had to go check. We told her about the woman in the pink blazer already asking us about it and she gave a curt, I know, turned on her heels and waltzed back into the building. A few minutes later she came back out and construed the same message the pink blazer lady had and left.

            Continuing until we had reached thirty, we went forth with the exit polling. I am happy to report, that aside from the old hags, no one had turned us down and was very nice. We started at 1:36 P.M. and ended at 2:54 P.M. It was very nerve racking in the beginning yet with each passerby the questioning became easier and easier until we reached our final tally of thirty voters. The results came back as 11 for Jack Conway and 19 Rand Paul.
