On Tuesday November 2, I went to the voting polls at St. Margret Mary Parish in North College Hill to collect my data. Since this is in Cincinnati, Ohio, the two candidates running for Senate are Rob Portman from the Republican Party and Lee Fisher from the Democratic Party. I arrived at 5:30 and the church was packed with people exercising their right to vote as well as volunteers from each party handing out reading material for both republican and democratic parties. First, I took a picture of myself with my ballot box outside of the room where the voting was taking place. Next, I walked outside near the entrance of the building to collect my data. I was pretty nervous about this considering this is usually a very private choice. The first two women I approached pretended not to hear me. Next, a younger guy came over to me and asked what I was polling and what for. I explained the assignment and he was more than happy to participate. Just as I had anticipated, the majority of people were not willing to participate. In total, I received 11 voting participants and had 19 people that either ignored me or declined to participate. I placed 20 pieces of paper in my ballot box to persuade individuals to participate before I arrived. Once home, I counted discarded the 20 blank pieces of paper and were left with the 11 authentic votes. Of those 11 votes, 8 of them were for Republican Rob Portman and the remaining 3 for Democrat Lee Fisher. After looking at the official numbers, my data collection reflects the actual outcome. Rob Portman had the majority votes at 57.25% and Lee Fisher had 39.00% of the votes or 2,125,810 people voted for Rob Portman where as only 1,448,092 people voted for Lee Fisher.