As I live in Ohio (and not Kentucky), I chose to do my voting comparison between Ted Strickland and John Kasich for governor. I went to the Blue Ash Civic League (which is my voting station), in Blue Ash Ohio, near the Kenwood mall. I showed up at around 6:30pm and stayed until 7:00. I talked to thirty people and my results included; 22 votes and 8 avoiders. Of the 22 votes, there were 14 for Kasich and 8 for Strickland.  Most people were middle aged and considering the area of Blue Ash I would describe the community to be middle-upper middle class.

My voting experience wasn’t really that much of a big deal. No one bothered me at all (from inside or otherwise) and no one was particularly rude either. I had a few people say “no thank you” and a few people shake their heads and speed up their pace as they walked past, but nothing overly unpleasant. There were also two other people there “talking” to voters. A republican and democratic supporter for each party, full of information were pouncing on every single person on their way in. I avoided them myself and didn’t really expect a lot of people to talk to them, which they didn’t. I suppose I was a little less annoying and it was less time consuming to talk to me, but I had a better experience than they did, or, more people gave me info than I saw stop to speak with them.  It seemed to me that a large portion of people didn’t even really seem to care to keep things “confidential”. They just seemed like they didn’t care one way or the other and wanted to get on their way. There were a few people who were happy with the confidentiality though and two or three even complimented the protocol. I wasn’t really trying to get into any conversations with anyone or have people verbalize their votes, but there were several people that did not at all seemed bugged, but were perfectly comfortable talking out loud with who they voted for and I had to actually place their votes in the box after they told me who they chose. One addition point I feel that I should include is that one person told me they would have given me their voting information but that they could not help me out because they only came to vote for the issues and had not even voted for governor because they felt too uneducated on both major candidates. It wasn’t as annoying as I expected and in the end, although the results were not quite exactly the same as the overall election, there was the same winner.