Romeo Seay

Election Assignment


My Day At The Polls

            Last Tuesday, I like many others, participated in the election. This was only my second time voting and it was a very interesting experience. I actually live in Cincinnati Ohio, Cheviot to be more exact. My precinct was located at 3814 Harrison Ave, which is the Cheviot City Hall building.

            I went to the polls around 10:30 am and stayed till a little after 11. I expected there to be a lot more traffic coming through this location but it was fairly quiet. When I first arrived, I had no trouble finding parking and didn't have to wait to vote. I was able to show my I.D and proceed to vote. After voting, I then went outside and set up to tally people's results. Luckily, since there weren't many people there, I didn't have to compete with anyone outside to get people's attention.

            Since I was in Ohio, I obviously took down a different race then my Kentucky classmates. I used the Senatorial Race between Rob Portman and Lee Fisher to take my results. In the half an hour I was there, I encountered a total of 27 people. I was a little nervous that people wouldn't want to take part in helping me out but surprisingly there were only five people who didn't want to participate. The reasons for not helping included that they didn't have the time, needed to be at work, or just didn't want to do it.

            Out of the people who did help me out, 16 of those voted for Rob Portman. Lee Fisher received only six of the votes. This didn't surprise me because Cheviot Oh, is and will always be a very republican town. There were Portman signs everywhere on my street and it was rare to see a Fisher sign anywhere over there. It seems that it was a trend all over to vote Republican this last election.

            Overall, I enjoyed my time at the polls. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I usually don't enjoy approaching strangers but everyone who helped was very kind and excited to help me with my studies in school. I'm glad I was able to have this experience.

Tally of votes:

Rob Portman: 16

Lee Fisher: 6

People who refused: 5