was a very cold morning to do a poll outside. I arrived at the firehouse in Union, Kentucky
with my friend and assistant Robert around 11:00. At first we stood right
outside the doors to the place, but an officer came out and told us we had to
step all the way back to the parking lot. At the end of about a half hour, we
had found that 11 people voted for Rand Paul, and that only one person voted
for Jack Conway. Two people ignored us altogether and refused to take the poll.
We received mixed emotional responses from people. Some people were happy to
take the poll and eager to help a couple college students. Others seemed
slightly annoyed by us but took the poll out of common courtesy. Unfortunately,
as stated, there were two instances where the people walked by us without even
stopping. Towards the end, my hands felt almost frozen stiff. I should have
worn gloves.
interesting fact is how overwhelmingly the voters supported Rand Paul. Suffice
it to say this says a lot on how Union,
Kentucky feels toward the
elections. It also may hint that my particular area has a more conservative
viewpoint towards politics as Rand Paul is a Republican. Nonetheless, Rand Paul
was nearly 100% voted for with the exception of two non-voters and a single
vote for Conway.
This was an interesting discovery indeed.