Joel Tindall


            Taking an exit poll on election day wasn’t nearly as painful as I thought it would be. Although some people refused, Most were very nice and didn’t mind participating. I set up my exit polling stand somewhat near the door of the place, using a small tv-tray type table and a shoebox. I had no Nku garb so I just brought my bright yellow NKU backpack with me. I was in the fort wright voting place, over by the swim club. Nobody really questioned the legality of me being there which was surprising. The first person I approached was a middle aged lady who was very nice. She participated and gave me an answer and even said who she had voted for out loud.

            The next person I asked refused, saying they were on a break and had to hurry. I had another 3 people participate with relatively no questioning or anything like that. A couple of old ladies were a little rude about it but it wasn’t anything to terribly bad. Every now and then someone would refuse but It wasn’t bad. I even had a police officer participate which was interesting. Nobody really did or said anything that stuck out as unusual, People were pretty whatever about this going on. People came and went and I packed up and left after an hour of being there.

I only had 19 people participate by the end of the day, out of about 26 asked. I say about because I forgot to tally a couple people. Overall it was a generally fun experience, although I’m a bit socially awkward. It was strange approaching strangers like that, but It was a pretty cool project.

Exit Poll Results

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 P.M.

People asked: 26

Results actually given: 19

Rand Paul- 12

Jack Conway- 7