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I may put a throwback problem from primes on there, too, because we're struggling with those and need to distinguish the prime from the binary stuff....
Binary Factorization Theorem: Every counting number is either a power of 2, or can be written as a sum of distinct powers of 2 in a unique way.
The fact that it's a one-to-one correspondence is what the "unique" part means; the fact that we say "distinct" powers of 2 means that you can't do this: \[ 5 = 4 + 1 = 2 + 2 + 1 \] In the second case, the sum doesn't feature distinct powers of 2: some repeat.
Here are the first few powers of 2 (note that 1 is a power of 2: \(2^0\)):
\[ \begin{array}{l} 2^0 = 1 \cr 2^1 = 2 \cr 2^2 = 4 \cr 2^3 = 8 \cr 2^4 = 16 \cr 2^5 = 32 \cr 2^6 = 64 \cr 2^7 = 128 \cr 2^8 = 256 \end{array} \]
They go on forever, of course! Turns out you can represent any number using powers of two, "base 2" -- in fact, that's what computers do.
We can carry out the "Fraudini process" using a binary tree, like we're cashiers making change -- just using funny bills, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.
And you can only use one bill of each type when you make change. So 57=32+16+8+1, for example: 111001.
I've written out the first four Fraudini cards when you're only able to read numbers up to 15, and we'll have a look at those -- in both base 10, and in binary.
The binary representation makes it clearer why the trick works....
If written down as we've done in class, this results in the writing of the binary representation of a number.
We can use ternary trees to carry out this process: remember to use your "turkey feet" to create the three branches of the ternary tree.
Vi Hart has the most amazing ways of showing us interesting mathematics. She shows us that we can count to 31 on one hand. And, if you'll use the 10 fingers of two hands, you can get all the way up to $2^{10}-1=1023$, instead of just $2^{5}-1=31$.
Some people can only count to 10 with their fingers....
Today's Question of the Day:
(and what can we learn from it? what does it do for us?)
Let's try to answer some questions: Mathematicians look for patterns.
There's a rule that we want to decipher for this triangle; and we'll relate it to counting.
For example, Pascal used it to answer this question:
What are the chances that a family of X children will have Y girls?
Before we can do that, however, we need to recognize some features of the table.
Watch Dave Brubeck's leg, counting out the rhythm....