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Having this formula allows us to calculate combinations for things far down Pascal's triangle: e.g. the number of different poker hands possible, which is \[ C^{52}_5 = \frac{52!}{5!(52-5)!} = {52 \choose 5} = 2,598,960 \] It works for anything! Even cream pies....
We're going to do three things today: solve two mysteries, and celebrate our hero Zero.
Now you should get the joke. And I'm hoping that, by the end of the day, you'll have come up with some more joke shirts!
The author, Prof. Buck, guesses that "the document" (actually a clay tablet) comes from the city of Nippur, in what is now Iraq:
Buck says this "Confronted with an artifact from an ancient culture, one asks several questions:
Your job: to describe the markings, and investigate the patterns on this tablet.
Well let it be unsung no more! I hope that you'll enjoy this rendition of
(favorite lyrics: "et cetera, et cetera; ad infinitum; ad astra1; forever and ever")