Your Personal Logo
Most companies have a logo that represents their brand. One of our
last assignments is for you to create your own personal logo. This
logo should use elements from the mathematics we have learned (or that
you know and love from some other class or place or person), combined
in an original way that represents you.
A great logo will demonstrate
- mathematics used,
- beauty, appropriateness and/or creativity of the design,
- a nice, typed one-page description (which you might think of as a script
for your presentation), and
- how well you present your logo (you'll have only about two-three minutes
each to present!).
An example of a common logo with some interesting mathematical structure is the
linked rings of the Olympics:
Many logos featuring the mathematical concept of symmetry can be found
here. That's
an example of incorporating a mathematical concept into logo design.
We know logos so well that there is a quiz about them here -- give it a try!
Throughout the semester you will see (or will have seen) mathematically
themed logos, as well as some mathematical ideas to use to create your own
mathematical logo.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.