MAT 115R: Spring 2024


INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: MEP 443; phone: 572-5794; email:

MEETING TIME: TR at 4:50 pm, MEP 323.

EXPECTED BACKGROUND: None but an open and curious mind, and the willingness to put aside any preconceived prejudices or dislikes for mathematics.

TEXT: We'll be using an unusual text: Mathemalchemy. This three-dimensional "textbook" will be supplemented by additional, web-based (free) resources.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course we will consider some of the greatest ideas of humankind, ideas comparable in scale and beauty to the works of Shakespeare, Plato, and Michelangelo. These ideas fall within the domain of mathematics. Mathematics is as much an artistic endeavor as it is a scientific one, and, as such, it requires both imagination and creativity. There are three basic goals for this course:

  1. To reach a better understanding of several rich mathematical ideas.
  2. To develop sharper skills for analyzing life issues that transcend mathematics.
  3. To change the way you view the world!
Although you will be challenged, the hope behind this course is that you will gain an appreciation for mathematics, and discover the power of mathematical thinking in your everyday life.

This course satisfies the mathematics and statistics general education requirement.

Quizzes: 25%
Two midterm exams: 40%
Comprehensive Final: 25%
Math Logo Project: 5%
Mathemalchemy Project: 5%
Exams will be given in class. Make-up exams will be given only under extreme circumstances.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned regularly, and each week a quiz will be given on Thursday. The quiz will cover some or all of your homework from the previous week. It pays to do your homework, since you never know which homework problems will be selected for special attention!

I will drop several of your worst quiz grades (at least two).

LOGO: Companies have logos; you should have one, too! Your math logo will be something (like a family crest) that represents you. It will be created using elements from this course (or other mathematical elements of your own choosing). You will type up a one-page sheet, illustrating and explaining your choice, and submit the logo in advance so that they may be exhibited on-line; you'll have a chance to say a few words about yours on our last week together, during our "Logo and Project Show".

PROJECT: your project will feature some aspect of Mathemalchemy; more details will be shared later on, but this will be exhibited during the Logo and Project Show.

I use the standard grading scale, with a small buffer zone for the assignment of plus/minus grades:

<60 60-70 70-71 71-79 79-80 80-81 81-89 89-90 90-91 >91
F D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A

ATTENDANCE: The student is responsible for all material assigned for class. Attendance and participation in discussions may be used to resolve borderline grades.

That being said, allowances will be made for those impacted by Covid, in particular.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from any class is March 18, 2024. After that day it is not usually permitted.


I am also available by appointment, and at random when approached with a smile.

FINAL EXAM: Your comprehensive final exam is Thursday, May 2nd, from 4:40-6:40.


Website maintained by Andy Long ( Comments appreciated.