Problem Solving Seminar

                 Student Problem Solving Seminar
                   Wednesday April 23, at 3:00
                              AS&T 247
           Speakers:         Bill Bacher
                             Chris Bryan
                             Aaron Dutle
                             Ben Harwood
                             Kurt Knueven
                             Doug Meiser
                             Rusty Meyers

Sample problems posted on the second floor of AS&T

        The students of MAT 324 will present their solutions to some
problems from a variety of sources including: Crux Mathematicorum,
(the Canadian journal of problem solving), Mathematics Magazine, and
the Mathematical Olympiad. A significant portion of the mathematical
content of the seminar is at the level of MAT 120, and very little
involves material beyond the level of MAT 220. Students are
particularly encouraged to attend, and learn about problem solving
strategies as used by other NKU students.

        Pizza, Cookies, and Soda will be provided following the seminar.
                    Sponsored by the Math/CSC Department

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.