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The daily agendas will be found on this website, and all links (e.g. resources) will radiate out from it.
I tend to tinker with these agendas right up to the last moment before class. If you peek before class, you might be surprised to see that they've changed a bit, or even a lot!:) by class time.
While these labs will not be graded per se, your lab exams (taken on the Fridays when we have an exam) will cover the same terrain.
The text also includes a precalculus review (just saying...:).
In each case, you see that we have data, provided by some person, group, or governmental agency, and that data is then modelled by a (generally) continuous function.
These types of situations form the backbone of a lot of our applications of calculus.
We're going to be drawing, which is why a straight-edge is necessary. Work hard to make your figures nice, and I'll try to do the same! (Ultimately software helps with that, of course, but for exams you may be on your own....)