Number Theory Section Summary: 2.3

The Euclidean Algorithm

  1. Definitions

    least common multiple: The least common multiple of two non-zero integers a and b, denoted tex2html_wrap_inline253 , is the positive integer m satisfying the following:

    1. a|m and b|m;
    2. If a|c and b|c, with c>0, then tex2html_wrap_inline267 .

  2. Theorems

    Lemma: If a=qb+r, then tex2html_wrap_inline271

    Euclidean Algorithm:


    (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline273 , so the final remainder is 0). Then tex2html_wrap_inline275 .

    Example: (#1/2(a), p. 31) Consider 143 and 227.

    Theorem 2.7: if k>0, then tex2html_wrap_inline279 .

    Corollary: if tex2html_wrap_inline281 , then tex2html_wrap_inline283 .

    Proof: Let's prove the corollary, without recourse to Theorem 2.7 (which is proved in the process):

    Examples: #4a,c, p. 32; #6

    Theorem 2.8: For positive integers a and b


    One thing this theorem does is give us a method for calculating the lcm (since we can use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the gcd):

    Example: #1a, p. 31

    Example: #10a,b, p. 32

    Corollary: For positive integers a and b


  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    ``Gabriel Lamé (1795-1870) proved that the number of steps required in the Euclidean Algorithm is at most five times the number of digits in the smaller integer.''

    An improvement to the Euclidean Algorithm is achieved if, instead of choosing to work with a=qb+r with tex2html_wrap_inline295 , we work with a=qb+r with |r| < b/2.

  4. Summary

    The Euclidean Algorithm gives us a tool for calculating the gcd of two integers. One variation of the algorithm (using ``centered remainders'' from an alternative version of the division algorithm - see problem 7, p. 20) provides a faster algorithm.

    The algorithm works by replacing a pair of integers requiring a gcd by a pair of smaller integers, constrained by the fact that the smallest is greater than zero.

    The least common multiple (lcm) of two integers is the first positive number appearing in both their multiplication tables, but can be found using the gcd: if they're positive and relatively prime, then the lcm is their product; but if not, then the product divided by the gcd gives us the lcm.

    This makes good sense: the gcd is the ``repetitious'' part of the integers.

Tue Jan 24 16:43:39 EST 2006