- The course website will be useful (especially for assignments):
- I hope that you will be willing to participate, by
- asking questions,
- offering to answer questions,
- going to the board,
- working in groups,
- etc.
- Syllabus (logistics)
- Your first assignment is due next Tuesday: Homework, pp. 912--, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 19, 23, 28, 46, 47 (due Tuesday, 1/19). Assignments and our plan of attack are found on our assignment page. (By the way, just before class I noticed that I need to fix it up -- my dates got offset by a day. I fixed January, at any rate!:)
This is not set in stone, but reflects how things went last semester. I
will be making some changes to problem sets, etc., but it gives you the
basic idea.
- We'll be using technology to help us understand multivariate
functions (including Mathematica). I encourage you to download
a free copy.
I'm thinking that Friday will generally be a "problem day", and
technology day. I encourage you to bring your laptops on Fridays to
work on problems using Mathematica.
- My hope is that you will do the reading in advance
of our discussion of that section in class! Today is
an exception of course, but we're starting in on 14.1
today, and I'll hope that you've read it by Thursday.
reading worksheets are on-line, and quizzes will occur on Fridays based loosely on these and the readings.
- Quizzes will be short (10 minutes or so), occur at the
end of class on Fridays, and be conceptual (rather than computational)
in nature. Knowledge of definitions, classes of functions, important
examples, and theorems will be the emphasis. It is important to have
some information at one's fingertips (or synapses), and this is the
information that will be covered during these quizzes. I will drop at
least two of your lowest homework and quiz grades..
- You'll need to sign your classroom
agreement. Major upshot: no electronics (other than calculators,
and laptops if explicitly allowed) in class....