- Announcements
- Haven't looked at the exams yet. I'll have them back on Tuesday.
- You have a homework due Tuesday.
- I need to comment on one of the problems I graded from the 14.6
problem set: #36. Let's take a look at that one.
- We'll do a few more problems from section
14.7: maximum and minimum values. Then on to Lagrange multipliers.
Now how can we determine whether we have a minimum or a maximum or a
saddle at a given critical point?
If the second partials are continuous on a disk with center $(a,b)$, a critical
point, then define
D = D(a,b) = f_{xx}(a,b) f_{yy}(a,b) - [f_{xy}(a,b)]^2.
There are three cases:
- If $D>0$ and $f_{xx}(a,b)>0$, then $f(a,b)$ is a local minimum.
- If $D>0$ and $f_{xx}(a,b)<0$, then $f(a,b)$ is a local maximum.
- If $D<0$, then $f(a,b)$ is neither a local maximum nor minimum (in
this case, $(a,b)$ is called a saddle point.
So now we compute $D$:
- $f_{xx}(x,y)=2+2y$
- $f_{xy}(x,y)=2x$
- $f_{yx}(x,y)=2x$ (ah ha! we should have known better: this is a
polynomial, after all....)
- $f_{yy}(x,y)=2$
Hence $D=4(1+y)-4x^2$. In two cases, $D$ is negative, and we have a
saddle; in the other case, at the origin, $D=4$ and $f_{xx}=2>0$, so we
have a local minimum.
- If we're interested in absolute extrema, then we need to
consider the boundary of a region, as well. There is an extreme value
theorem for multivariate functions -- a natural extension of the EVT
for univariate functions (p. 975).
- Now let's take a look at some examples. I want to start with one
of the most important, however: #55, p. 979, which illustrates the
importance of a standard problem in the linear algebra.
- #3, p. 977
- #14, p. 978
- #32 (using the Extreme Value Theorem, p. 975)
- #50, p. 979
- If we have time, get started on section
14.8: Lagrange multipliers.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.