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I hope to get them done by Friday, so I don't have to do them over Spring break. By the way, have a nice break!
Suppose we know the value of $f$ at a selection of points. That is, we know $f(x_{0})=y_{0},f(x_{1})=x_{1},\ldots,f(x_{n})=y_{n}$ and perhaps not much more. The interpolating polynomial of least degree \(P_n\) passing through the $n+1$ points \[ (x_{0},y_{0}),(x_{1},y_{1}),\ldots,(x_{n},y_{n}) \] will, by construction, agree with $f$ at $x_{0},x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}$ and we can say with some precision how closely this interpolating polynomial \(P_n\) agrees with $f$ at other points as well. The values of the interpolating polynomial at these "other points" are what we refer to as approximations of the non-polynomial function.
Then \[ L_{n}(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n}\frac{p_{i}(x)}{p_{i}(x_{i})}y_{i}, \] where \[ p_{i}(x)=\prod_{\substack{j=0\\j\neq i}}^{n}(x-x_{j}) = (x-x_{0})\cdots(x-x_{i-1})(x-x_{i+1})\cdots(x-x_{n}) \]
"We will adhere to the practice of calling it the interpolating polynomial of least degree, or use the notation $P_{n}$, when the form is unimportant and will add the phrase Lagrange form, or use the notation $L_{n}$, when it is."
We will write the linear Lagrange interpolator as a sum of two linear functions, each of which "takes care of one point, and gets out of the way at the other". What does this mean? These "basis" functions will have that property that
\(l(x,x_1,x_2)\) will be 1 at \(x_1\), and 0 at \(x_2\).
Neville's method may be a better way to compute the interpolating polynomial values.
Theorem: The polynomial, $P_{n}$ , of least degree interpolating the data $(x_{0},y_{0}),(x_{1},y_{1}),\ldots,(x_{n},y_{n})$ exists and is unique. Moreover, any interpolating polynomial of degree at most $n$ is equal to $P_{n}$.