Bezier Spline Sigmac Project
For your first project, you will generate a "sigmac" (signature machine) from
your signature (or other word at least 6 distinct letters long), as well
as carry out a few preliminary analyses.
Essentially you have to determine the so-called "control points" for a
Bezier spline that will cause some piece of software (your choice) to
draw your signature.
A Bezier spline is made up of cubic parametric curves of the form
You can find a nice introduction to Bezier curves and splines here
(although your text contains plenty to allow you to carry out this
The following problems should be written up in a report, and submitted
by Friday, 4/5:
- Given points $P_0=(0,0)$ $P_1=(1,1)$ $P_3=(3,0)$, investigate
graphically the range of motion of the Bezier cubic possible
depending on the choice of control point $P_2$.
Describe the kinds of qualitatively different curves you can generate.
You may want to use my Mathematica
code, or in Desmos.
- Under what conditions will a Bezier cubic actually pass through
one or both of the control points $P_1$ and
- Since many letters contain a circle, create a Bezier cubic spline
that does a nice job of approximating the unit circle. Describe
your criterion for "nice".
- Sample your signature for the interpolating points (best to do
this on a piece of graph paper, so that you can get appropriate
coordinates for control points), and then choose your control
points so as to generate your sigmac. Print out a copy of your
signature, as well as the output of your sigmac.
- Discuss the success you had, and the problems and/or challenges
you encountered.
Additional links:
- Check out this
website for some preliminary info about Bezier splines; and
- You might check out some of the other links from that site,
such as this
page, which shows some control points in action.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.