From Our Chair

Given the disruption in spring courses due to COVID-19, you may choose to receive a pass/fail grade for any class you are currently taking. Please note that the deadline for electing the pass/fail option for spring class is Friday, May 1 at 4:30pm. Choosing this means you will receive a grade of P for any course in which you earn a D or higher. If you choose this option, you will be able to see the letter grade earned in the course after May 12 through your degree audit on myNKU. Once you've seen your letter grade, you will have the ability to change from pass/fail back to the letter grade earned after the semester concludes. But, you cannot wait to see your letter grade and then choose the pass/fail option. Choosing to go pass/fail in a class this semester gives a safety net for your spring courses.

A couple of notes on the pass/fail policy for spring 2020:

  1. You must request the pass/fail option for your classes by Friday, May 1 at 4:30pm. The request should be sent in an email from your NKU email account to The email should include your name, student ID (available in myNKU), and the course(s) with section(s) numbers for which the pass/fail option should be activated.

  2. You must elect the pass/fail option by May 1. Once this deadline passes, you will receive the letter grade earned in the class.

  3. Receiving a pass (P) in a course has no impact on your GPA; receiving a fail (F) in a course will negatively impact your GPA. Even if you choose the pass/fail option, please continue to put your best effort into finishing out the course, particularly if you think you may want to revert back to your letter grade.

  4. High school students enrolled in dual credit courses (i.e. School Based Scholars) are not eligible for the pass/fail option due to grade requirements on high school transcripts.

For answers to any additional questions, please visit this page. If you have questions beyond those listed, please talk with your advisor.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.