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The Future

For the future, we anticipate a number of useful additions: on-line quizzes will be added to allow students to test themselves on their assimilation of the material; new modules will be added, allowing teachers a wider choice of what materials to include in their own course; modules will be redesigned, to allow the student to dig progressively deeper into the concepts, with a range of treatment from the superficial to the profound.

More student-inspired modules will be created, as we continue to expand the range of projects attempted, and analyses indicated. This will go hand-in-hand with an expansion of the range of presentations on the web, which will provide grist for the mills of students seeking to explore and analyze their own data in new and spatial/temporal ways.

In the meantime, we approach the next year with a complete course in hand, one which will evolve with us as we increase our own knowledge and as we try to ``...provide students with the knowledge, theory, and methodological skills for analyzing and interpreting the spatial patterns of various diseases in order to elucidate underlying exposure processes giving rise to the observed patterns.''

Andrew E Long
Thu Jun 17 13:23:17 EDT 1999