I am managing, with the help of a few pain pills and Tylenol, to live with my "Halo" (halo neck brace). Only 4.5 weeks to go until I'll lose those few extra pounds. I'm now able to manouver without my walker for short strolls and to get to the ball park to see our grandson, Tchapo, play. Andy, Anna, and he are able to share some time here with us for several weeks before returning to Wisconsin and the upcoming school year at Ripon College. Andy and I are working on a few math projects together and enjoy the convenience of our home computer setup - thanks to my colleagues Tom Hern, Vic Norton, and input from others in the department.

I have only 6 more days of radiation treatments for my neck area and shortly thereafter will probably begin chemotherapy for the multiple myeloma. It is great to be able to enjoy this nice summer weather and I still have lots of sympathy and support at home. I'm certainly looking forward to increased activity in the coming weeks, but will plan on delaying my last semester of active teaching (which would have been this fall).

Thoughts, prayers, and visits from friends and family have been much appreciated during the last four weeks. Thanks to all my supporters!