Ed Burger Visit

2003 James Sehnert Lecture  

Is the formula faster than the eye?

7:30 pm  Monday, October 13, 2003 
Otto Budig Theatre (University Center)

  1. What is the official name of the lecture?

  2. Scholarship banquet invite letter distribution - please help! If you have a scholarship winner in your class, please hand deliver the invite and encourage the student to come.

  3. Please invite your students to attend the lecture.

  4. When telling people about the banquet Monday night in the ballroom, please invite them to come and mill about starting at 5:30. We'll eat at 6:00. In the past we've said 6:00, so people arrive at 6:15....

  5. Remember that Ed will be speaking Tuesday morning, in two one-hour blocks: The topics will be something along the lines of "Effective Thinking" and "Successful Teaching Techniques" (although I've had at one vote to have Ed talk about recruitment and retention of majors, and another to have him talk about their math major program). There's still time to weigh in! The "seminar" Tuesday morning will be in room 111 on the first floor of AST.

    It's a nice space, and there will be refreshments!

  6. There is a sign-up sheet in the office for the following: Please sign up!

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.