Bob Hogg's Visit
Bob's visit provides us with these special opportunities:
Monday, October 25th, 6:00pm Dinner
Join Bob, Frank, Dave, Andy, and others, place to be named later (but
it will be as expensive as possible without requiring elegant clothing
or good table manners).
Tuesday, October 26th, 4:00-5:15, in AST 111
A panel featuring Bob Hogg (and including Paul Horn (Statistician,
Mental Health Care Line of the Cincinnati VA Medical Center, and
University of Cincinnati), Susan Frede (Director, Research Insights
Group, TNS NFO), and Michael Schwiers (President, Cincinnati chapter
of the ASA)) will discuss
"Undergraduate Statistics Education: Needs, Wants, and Reality"
This will segue into The Sehnert Banquet,
Tuesday, October 26th, 5:30-7:00, in the Ballroom
- Sign up! If you haven't yet, the sheet's coming around.
- Please encourage our majors to come to the events. There's still
plenty of room (we can have 210 and still have a happy fire marshall).
Which will segue into the Sehnert Lecture,
Tuesday, October 26th, 7:30-9:00?, in the Otto Budig Theatre
Wednesday, October 27th, 3:30-4:30, in AST 254
Bob Hogg will "facilitate" a discussion:
"Continuous Quality Improvement in Teaching"
Those interested in the session should let Andy know, and get a copy of Bob's
short article "Let's use CQI in our statistics programs".
- Please sign up for these in the office, so we'll know how many goodies to
order and how much hootch to buy.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.