Bob Hogg to Visit NKU

Come to a Panel Discussion, Stay for Dinner!

Bob Hogg (former President of the American Statistical Association, and Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa) will be visiting Northern Kentucky University to give the 2004 Sehnert lecture. In conjunction with his lecture, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to a panel discussion of the present and future of statistics undergraduate education, which will take place prior to the banquet and lecture.

Tuesday, October 26th, 4:00-5:15, in room AST 111

A panel featuring Bob Hogg (and including Paul Horn (Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cincinnati and Statistician, Psychiatry Service at VA Medical Center, Cincinnati), Susan Frede (Director, Research Insights Group, TNS NFO), and Michael Schwiers (President, Cincinnati chapter of the ASA, and Medpace)) will discuss

Undergraduate Statistics Education: Needs, Wants, and Reality

The panel will discuss issues surrounding the present and future of undergraduate statistics education, including

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an undergraduate major in statistics?
    1. What are the current opportunities for employment, and what does the future hold?
    2. What are the prospects for, and advantages of, attending graduate school?
  2. Given an undergraduate interested in a career in statistics, what and how much of the following should they study:
    1. in mathematics,
    2. in computing,
    3. in statistics, and
    4. in other areas.
    Are the answers to these questions the same for students planning to seek employment as for those going to graduate school?
  3. Should students be required to have a research experience, or consulting experience, or to co-op?
Bring your own questions and topics for discussion! A campus map is available at Applied Science and Technology Center (AST) is building #4.

Among the many awards he has received for distinction in teaching, Bob has been honored at the national level (the Mathematical Association of America Award for Distinguished Teaching), the state level (Iowa's Governor's Science Medal for Teaching), and the university level (Collegiate Teaching Award). His important contributions to statistical research have been acknowledged by his election to fellowship standing in the ASA and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

In 2001, Bob received the American Statistical Association's 2001 Gottried F. Noether Senior Scholar Award for a lifetime of outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of Nonparametric Statistics both in research and teaching.

The panel discussion will segue into the Sehnert Banquet and Lecture, so if you have any interest in continuing the discussion over dinner just let us know, and we'll count you in for dinner. Please call the Math Dept. office to confirm that you will be at the banquet: (859) 572-5377, by noon on Friday, October 22, so that we may plan accordingly. Following dinner, at 7:30, we'll have the Sehnert lecture. Visit for details.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.