Christmas, 2001
Grama and Thaddeus
Grama on drugs?
Same...but nice picture of Thaddeus!
Tchapo and paper
Anna Sewing
Dad studies knots while Mom studies Thaddeus
Tchapo and Thaddeus
Sue Rock, Mom, and Babies
Sue and Thaddeus
Grandmas and babies (plus Connor)
Lots of eye-closin' goin' on!
Bill Rock and Dad
Thad and tree with legs
Fuzzy Rachel
Fuzzy Connor and a clear case of baldness
Mom trims the tree
Sleepy Dad and baby
Caught me snoozing
Looking askance
Nice baby face
Tchapo and Baby asleep
Lois Hiltner and Thaddeus
John Hiltner and Mom
Website maintained by
Andy Long
. Comments appreciated.