Dad's links
- Dad's (Great)(Grand)parents, aunts and uncles
- Dad's obituary
- Obituary in the Sentinal Tribune
- Toledo Blade Obituary
- Dad's obituary from the SIAM Journal (the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
- Dad's obituary in Ohio Focus (MAA newsletter)
- Some thoughts and clippings that Dad had
- Don't Eat the Rotten Tomatoes
- Some photos, and funeral paraphenalia, etc.
- Another Ohio Focus article, with reference to Dad
- Kappa Mu
Epsilon BGSU chapter's 1971-1972 newsletter The Origin, with Cliff Long
and Waldemar Weber as advisors. The issue gives a little bio of each faculty
member at the time.
- An article about the TI92 calculator: 'Further details can be found in the delightful article by Long and Hern [Cliff Long
and Thomas Hern, "Graphing the Complex Zeros of
a Polynomial via its Modulus Surface", The College
Mathematics Journal, 20 (1989) 98-105].'
- Some shots of his work, and colleagues
- Some shots of Dad, family, and friends
- Album featuring Dad and his brother Ed: It was probably Ed's album.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.