The Remembrance Service

Andy says: this note was to some friends who asked about the service. It was written before the service became available on the web.

Dear [friends],

Stacey asked about "the program": there really wasn't any "program -- just some chairs set up in Grounds, and a number of tables reserved; refreshment provided by Grounds, and John Barnes and Linda Toscano in charge.

John called things to order at around 2:00, and there were probably at least 50 people awaiting whatever was to come. John started it off with a Unity prayer, acknowledging that Jeff (or others in attendance) might not have been completely on board for that, and said that there were a few things scheduled to be read; but, other than that, he just hoped that people would step up and provide some remarks.

John got things started with a poem, from a book that Jeff had recommended to him. Linda read a text from Gus Sonnenberg. Then a number of us took a crack at some recollections -- I, Louie and Dawn (and one of their kids), Kelly Wicks, Kelly Kling, Toby, Kate ?? and her wife, and other friends I didn't recognize.

There were books that had belonged to Jeff on a table, and people were invited to take some, as mementos. I had a chance to chat with a few special friends who were there, and then ended the event talking to John. The most important thing I learned was that [members of the family] suffered from IRD -- Intermittent Rage Disorder -- and John thought that Jeff did too -- which might well explain the wild outburst aimed at me one late night at The Corner Grill, which effectively scuttled our happy relationship. Second chances, folks; second chances.

But Jill and I did learn a lot of other interesting bits over the course of 24 hours....

Each of Jeff's books to be given away had the poem that John read in them, and the end note:

And remember to tell those who mean a lot to you that you love and appreciate them, and I am telling you all that now!

Thanks for everything, and my love to you all,


Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.