Ripley's K function

Ripley's K function is a statistic useful for point pattern analysis. Here are more details on the use of Ripley's K, and other more general functions, while this document summarizes the information I used to create the test in GeoMed.

Ripley's K function for the data is compared with the expected line y=x under Poisson distribution of the points (actually, a scaled version of K is used, called L: L is the square root of the quotient of K and pi). In addition, simulated Poisson fields of the same N for the same size study area are generated, as are corresponding Ripley's K functions; these give some idea of how extreme the result of the data's Ripley's K function is.

Example: towns data, the sample data for the use of Ripley's K function in Splus.

In this data, a distance of 10 is about a quarter of the way across the point space in either direction.

Example: Diggle's data

an additional sample data set (provided by Peter Diggle for entirely other purposes!). In this case, a distance of 10 is about half way across the point space in either direction.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Dr. Art Getis for taking a critical look at this analysis, and making many useful suggestions.

Dr. Getis, of San Diego State University's Department of Geography and an expert and author in the field of spatial statistics, suggests that another comparison plot that is of interest is the comparison of two plots, e.g., a disease distribution and a susceptibles distribution.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.