Biosand Filters

Matthew 25, verse 40 (KJV): And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Our first round of biosand filters was to the poor, and so we dispensed them freely. Unfortunately, all of our friends thought that they'd be at the head of the list. But our friends were not among the poorest of the poor, and so they were passed over for the first round. I knew that this would be tough on Roger, who was going to be harrassed for not picking his friends to receive filters.

So I coached him to say that Jesus said "the least of these...": not "the greatest of these...", or even "the middle class of these"; and then I tell him to ask the person if they'd classify themselves as one of the least of Ranquitte. And if they will, then maybe we'll give them a filter. If they're also far from a source of (relatively) clean water....

This was of almost no help or consolation to Roger...;)


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