ecological sanitation - what is it

an old practice revisited

ecological latrine design

reasons to adopt ecological sanitation

reasons not to adopt ecological sanitation

ongoing research


websites and contacts



Ecological Sanitation

Authors: Jo Smet and Steven Sugden, April 2006

Quality Assurance:  Sandy Cairncross

Ecological sanitation - What is it?

Eco Sanitation works on the principle that urine and faeces are not simply waste products of the human digestion process, but rather are an asset that if properly managed can contribute to better health and food production and reduce pollution.

Eco-sanitation latrines:

  • Store and prepare faeces for use in agriculture by encouraging the formation of humus by the addition of wood ash and/or soil;

  • Allow the application of urine as fertiliser in agriculture, in case urine is separated;

  • Remove faeces and urine from the immediate environment thereby contributing to better health; and

  • Are dry systems that make contamination of groundwater extremely unlikely.

An old practice revisited

Since  early Chinese history, human excreta was commonly used in agriculture to complement farm manure in improving soil fertility. Farmers owned ‘Outhouses’ where they invited visitors to leave behind their ‘valuable’ excreta. In early Europe, Greek and Roman societies collected human excreta and used it as fertilizer. The Romans found that urine contained high value nutrients and collecting it was a good business. Emperor Vespasian introduced a ‘urine tax’ along with the proverb pecunia non olet (Money does not smell).

In Britain, Queen Victoria used an earth-closet at Windsor Castle, although many types of water-closet were available. Henry Moule in 1840’s was the champion of the earth-closet and backed up his belief with a scientific experiment where he persuaded a farmer to fertilise one half of a field with earth from his closet, and the other with an equal weight of superphosphate. Swedes were planted in both halves, and those nurtured with earth manure grew one third bigger than those given only superphosphate.  For many years, the earth- and water-closets were rival systems with champions and detractors on both sides.

The nutrition value of urine and faeces as fertilizers


500 litres of Urine

500 litres of Faeces


Fertilizer needs of 250kgs of cereal

Nitrogen 5.6kg 0.09kg 5.7kg 5.6kg
Phosphorus 0.4kg 0.19kg 0.6kg 0.7kg
Potassium 1.0kg 0.17kg 1.2kg 1.2kg

(500 litres of urine and 50 litres of faeces are about the amounts produced by one adult in a year)

Note that most of the nutrients are in the urine, though the vast majority of the pathogens are in the faeces. Although faeces has a lower nutrient content, its high organic matter aids water retention and is a good soil improver.

Fig1: Nutrients for plant growth present in human faeces and urine

Ecological latrine design

Ecological latrines can be divided into two main types: (i) dehydrating urine separating toilers and (ii) composting toilets.

(i) Dehydrating urine separating toilets

The urine and faeces are collected and stored separately by the use of specially designed pedestals and slabs.

Fig.2 Dehydrating latrine with urine diversion and the principle of a urine diversion latrine

The urine is collected and stored until it can be used as a fertilizer on plants or crops. The faeces drops into a pit, vault or container to which a handful of either ash or lime is added. This has the effect of drying the faeces and increasing the pH which has a positive impact on reducing smell (less ammonia emission) and destroying pathogens (see GTZ-EcoSan Datasheet-2).  After 12 months of  storage the resulting ‘humanure’ can be applied to the land. Some form of alternating double or multiple storage system is required to avoid mixing fresh and composted manure.

(ii) Composting toilet

The double-pit or vault composting latrines do not separate the faeces and urine, so that both enter the same vault or pit. A handful of a mixture of soil and ash is added to the pit after each use which has the effect of keeping the pit contents relatively dry and aerobic, as opposed to anaerobic and smelly. ‘Composting’ is not technically the correct name as the temperatures never rise high enough to create themophilic composting conditions. After 12 months of storage the resulting ‘humanure’ can be applied to thet land as a fertilizer and soil conditioner. The simplest form of composting latrine is called the Arborloo or ‘walking latrine’ (see below).  

Fig3:  Arborloo as introduced in Southern Africa


A shallow (1-1.5m) unlined pit covered by a concrete slab and a movable simple superstructure.  Once the pit is 2/3 filled (usually after some 4-6 months), the superstructure and slab are removed to a new pit. The old pit is further filled up with soil and a young tree is planted in the pit. Banana and Paw Paw grow particularly well in the old pit.

Reasons to adopt ecological sanitation

In many Developing Countries poor soil fertility and the  increasing cost of artificial fertilizer is making it difficult for subsistence farmers to grow enough food to feed their families. Survival becomes more perilous as population growth means new land to cultivate is not available. The fertilizer producing qualities of ecological latrines can help the household economy of poor families as demonstrated by the following comments collected from Malawian farmers who have been using eco-sanitation for a number of years,      

In their testimony, these farmers allude not only to the nutrient quality of the ‘humanure’, but also how the organic matter from the faeces improves soil structure. 

The act of adding ash and/or soil and separating the urine has the effect of drying the faeces and the possibility of pathogen transmission to the water table is eliminated. This makes eco sanitation a particularly good option in areas where contamination of groundwater is a sensitive issue.

In water stressed or arid areas, ecological sanitation (which needs no water for flushing) can help save this valuable resource. In the developed countries of the north it has been estimated that use of ecological sanitation could reduce domestic water consumption by 20-40%.  

Conventional sewage systems effectively remove faecal material and the pathogens it contains from the immediate household and community environment and deliver it to a sewage treatment works. In many countries the sewage works are incapable of effectively treating the waste as the volume entering the plant exceeds its design capacity (either because of population growth, the high cost of electricity or the mixing of sewage with storm water). The result is that poorly treated sewage is discharged into streams and rivers with detrimental effects on the rivers' flora and fauna. It is argued that if eco-sanitation was more widely used, the need to build and operate expensive sewage works would diminish and the water quality in the rivers would improve. 

In developing countries, areas with high groundwater tables and collapsing sandy soils are notoriously difficult in which to build permanent traditional latrines.  Ecological latrines with their shallow pits or vaults can provide good, sustainable affordable solutions.

Reasons NOT to adopt ecological sanitation

Faeces in all cultures is regarded as disgusting and to many people, the thought of using it for food production is repulsive. In addition, many cultures have strongly-held beliefs and taboos regarding faeces that make ecological sanitation unworkable. This avoidance instinct has self preservation at its heart as faeces contains many pathogens that are harmful to man if ingested. Even where there is no risk of disease transmission, the cultural perception may be different as demonstrated by this Malawian farmer: “If I eat crops and fruit grown in my own excreta, it can provide disease”.  

People generally prefer toilets where faeces cannot be seen and where no further handling by the users is required. With a water closet the only necessary further user action is the pulling of a handle; out of sight out of mind. With eco-sanitation there is always some form of secondary handling of the faeces and user reluctance to do this could be high. Even if an individual is willing to adopt eco-sanitation, they may be put off from doing so by the fear of being ridiculed by the rest of the community.          

Sanitation systems are one of the key defences in breaking the faecal-oral transmission routes of many diseases. The capacity of a latrine to either ensure no further human contact with faeces or to reduce the pathogens to safe levels is an essential prerequisite. With ecological latrines, their ability to perform the latter is questionable. 

The potential health risks associated with ecological sanitation

Ecological latrines use the following techniques to ensure pathogens die off:

Long storage times Must be 12 months or more
Low moisture contents Must be 25% or less
Low pH Must be pH 10 or more
High temperatures Must be 36°C or higher
Encouraging predation Must be presence of ovicidal fungi


Ascaris is the most persistent pathogen in faeces and is therefore used as an indicator of pathogen removal efficiency. In a well managed ecological latrine where one or a combination of the above environmental conditions has been acgieved in the pit or vault, Ascaris eggs will be reduced to a level where they do not present a risk to public health. Problems arise when the latrine is not well managed and the user has either misunderstood or does not followo the management regime stipulated by the designers. Unfortunately this is common and is one of the major weaknesses of ecological sanitation.

However, pathogen destruction in ecological sanitation is often viewed from the negative angle of what it does not achieve with regard to Ascaris die-off, and never from the angle of what it does achieve with a whole host of other pathogens. Ecological latrines, where storage times are greater than 3 months, will reduce to safe levels the pathogens responsible for Ameobiasis, , Giardiasis, Hepatitis A, hookworm, Trichuris (whipwork),  Enteribius vermicularis (threadworm), Hymenolepis nana, Rotavirus, Cholera, Campylobacter, Eschericia coli, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis and Typhoid.

The debate about the safety of ecological sanitation often occurs in isolation of the context in which it is being practiced and the larger question of whether the introduction and practice of ecological sanitation will improve the overall health of a community is never addressed. Generally speaking, from a health perspective an ecological latrine is better than no latrine at all and any possible health risks must be weighed against the potential improvement in the household economy and a family's  ability to feed themselves.

Ongoing research and learning on EcoSan      

Research, demonstration and full-scale programmes are financed by many Southern and Northern governments and organizations. Some major donor-supported programmes are GTZ EcoSan (, Sida-supported EcoSanRes (  The websites give also reference to other ongoing research. Three international EcoSan Conferences/Symposia have been organised (China, Germany and South Africa).


  1. GTZ (2002) Ecological Housing Estate, Luebeck, Germany.  Datasheet for EcoSan Projects 004. GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. 

  2. Jenssen, D. et al. (2004) Ecological Sanitation and Reuse of Wastewater.  A think piece on ecological sanitation. Agricultural University of Norway 

  3. Luo Shiming (2001) the utilization of human excreta in Chinese agriculture and the challenge faced. South China Agricultural University 

  4. Mara, D. and Cairncross, S. (1989) Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in Agriculture and Aquaculture.  WHO, Geneva.

  5. Medina, Martin (1998) Scavenging and Integrated Bio Systems: some past and present examples 

  6. Morgan, P. (2004). An Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Africa.  A compilation of experiences. Aquamore, Zimbabwe 

  7. Sawyer, R. (2003) Sanitation as if it really matters Mexico 

  8. Stenstrom, T.A. (2002) Reduction Efficiency of Index Pathogens in Dry Sanitation compared with Traditional and Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems 

  9. WASTE (2005).  At the End of the Pipe? Insights, visions and ideas on a shift in the sanitation paradigm. Summary from expert meetings 2005. Gouda, The Netherlands 

  10. Werner, Ch. (2003) Reasons for and principles of EcoSan. Paper at 2nd Int. Symp. on EcoSan, GTZ, Luebeck, Germany  

  11. Winblad, U. et al (2004) Ecological Sanitation. Revised and enlarged edition. Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden 

Major Websites and Contacts

  1. EcoSanRes (Sweden) with many publications and links

  2. with many EcoSan publications and links

  3. by WASTE

  4. with oublications, websites and FAQs

  5. EcoSolutions India , Paul Calvert, Kerala, India 



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