
Least, most, greatest, best, worst, biggest, smallest, fastest, coolest, maximization, minimization, optimal, etc.

From Wikipedia:
"In mathematics, the term optimization, or mathematical programming, refers to the study of problems in which one seeks to minimize or maximize a real function by systematically choosing the values of real or integer variables from within an allowed set."
I happen to take a broader view of it than that mathematically: All these examples don't necessarily involve minimizing or maximizing a real-valued function, although it is possible to cast some of them that way. Certainly elegance is difficult to quantify!

Avoiding waste in a complicated water system is obviously to be desired, and the optimal system might be defined as the one in which there is zero waste (a minimum of a function, the waste function!).

Ideas related to optimization:

As an example of a non-standard example of mathematical optimization, I needed to create a four-hole latrine in a market in Kabou, Togo, West Africa. The group I was working with wanted to put the toilets in a line, but I had: a better idea (the middle picture -- view from the top). Even though one may have a better, it doesn't mean that anyone will pay any attention -- my group didn't!;)

Question: why do I believe that I could save material costs using this "back to back" design?

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.