Tom Durant's 2014 Update

Hi Andy,

I just returned from Haiti last night.

I spent a few hours with Fredrina and her cohorts. Fredrina and I reviewed her ledger, a copy of which I can mail to you, but I need your address. Subsequent to our initial meeting, Fredrina arranged to have most of her clients attend a meeting, a meeting that included several testimonials from her clients (photo and video attached).

Those testimonials included several moving statements of the program's benefit (i.e., the ability to buy some food, arrange for schooling of children, and tend to medical needs, all of which would not have been possible otherwise. Currently, Fredrina has 35 active accounts.

Fredrina has kept good track of each client and the amounts owed. Two of her client accounts are problematic, one who died (balance remaining of ~US $20) and Mme. Barnabas. Mme. Barnabas received some phony Gourdes at the last town festival and, therefore, had to take on debt (from Fredrina) to restore her restaurant working capital. Unfortunately, she has been unable to pay back the debt in full (only two months of payments since the loan was taken back in May). Currently, she owes ~US $200. If there is one thing that would help both Mme. Barnabas and Fredrina it would take the form of loan forgiveness (i.e., money from the US to pay off the debt). I verified her story with Georges and Fredrina. So, if your group can afford to do so, an extra $200 would restore the only restaurant in Ranquitte back to working order.

Other than the usual stuff (no electricity in dorm, occasional Internet, and lousy phone service), things remain much the same as before. Georges has been successful to get grant money from the government and has put it to good use (new high school, several paved roads, solar lights on several village streets, etc.). Few mission groups visit Ranquitte these days, largely as a result of CFI's troubles ($ and community relations).

If you want, give me a call so we can chat. Roger, Fredrina, Carmen and Nanotte all inquired about you and the family. They miss you.

Send your address for the ledger.


Tom Durant

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.