In Dan Griffith's module, a variety of techniques are applied to some example data.
We will use the Snow data to calculate a Moran's I, then use that
statistic to estimate the SAR (simultaneous autoregressive) autocorrelation
parameter , from
which we can calculate the effective sample size of the n=35 region data
Along the way is a review of some ArcView techniques, as well as a visit to Gamma (with a few little twists thrown in).
The objectives of this lab are as follows: you should
UMich students: pair up, if you'd like; always better to have a partner, in my opinion.
Exercise 1:
It's relatively easy to create a new variable from a given numerical variable in ArcView. The first two are the easiest, so we'll start with those.
For the second variable (call it "trans") you saw in lecture that it is often the case that a variable which is not normally distributed will be transformed by a power (or log) transformation to create a new variable which is more normally distributed.
If you examine the histogram of the rate or quantile plot of the rate. The histogram of a normal variable should be bell-shaped; and the quantile-plot of a normal variable should be roughly a straight line. You notice that this variable does not appear to be normally distributed. We will now create a transformed variable from the original rate which is more normal in appearance. Many software packages contain routines to calculate the parameters of this optimal transformation: we're not interested in doing that here, and will simply transform according to the relation
Type this equation into the Calculator to define the trans variable. Don't forget the 0 on 0.3; ArcView is so ignorant that it can't recognize .3 as 0.3.
In order to create the binary BW variable, use the criterion that BW=1 if bwval is greater than 5.5, and BW=0 if bwval is less than 5.5 (this creates a nearly perfect match with the Black/White plots from reading). Here's how:
The transformed variable (trans) is reputedly (more) normal. We can verify this from the histogram of trans and from the quantile plots of trans. How have we done?
= n
[1 – 2.67978
(1 -
)] .
Don't cheat before you've calculated them yourself, but the "answers" for the three different variables (rate, bw, trans) are here.
Exercise 2:
Run Gamma [which you may need to download and install again.] on the Snow data.
Don't forget to Evaluate the lab.
Page by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.