Koinonia Partners

*What is Koinonia?*
/Koinonia/ -- from the ancient Greek, usually translated as fellowship or community.

*The Koinonia Mission:*
Koinonia is an intentional Christian community striving to be a demonstration plot for the Kingdom of God. Members preach Jesus gospel through the way we live. We choose to model our shared life after the early Christian communities as described in the Acts of the Apostles, not to withdraw from the world but rather to serve God and humankind more fully. Our community mission is to offer opportunities for spiritual renewal and to work for social justice by serving our neighbors and participating in projects that foster peace and reconciliation throughout the world.

Koinonia was founded in 1942 by Clarence Jordan. Its principal work in early days was to provide resources and education for impoverished sharecroppers in the area, and farm workers it hired were paid equally, eating and worshipping together regardless of race. For its belief in this brotherhood, as well as for its pacifism and economic sharing, the community endured persecution (including boycotts, threats, sabotage, and bullets). Koinonia survived to become the birthplace of Habitat for Humanity and several other social justice projects: Jubilee Partners, New Hope House, and the Prison & Jail Project.

Our 573 acres of land in rural Georgia are home to large pecan orchards; fields of crops; an organic garden; two villages of Partnership Housing; wooded areas including a Peace Trail; and the main farm, with a museum, store, woodshop and ceramic shop, bakery, dining hall, office, and community housing. Koinonia operates its farm, bakery, and mail order business in order to support our ministries and sustain our community. Our ministries include a community outreach center with programs for youth and elders; assistance to our neighbors on home repair projects; a community intern program helping people experience the Koinonia way; local social justice projects; and classes and seminars on peace and justice issues, Koinonia history, and aspects of faith. We are sustained by donations, sales of our products, farm revenues, and the labor and prayers of our community and its supporters.

We live as a community, making time to pray, study, work and serve together daily. We care about the earth and strive to live simply and sustainably.

Year-round, people and groups share in Koinonia's life, work, and open-minded worship by coming to visit, retreat, or serve as interns. We are open to people of all faiths. We have guest housing and RV accessibility. Visitors and interns serve alongside our community members in baking and shipping mail order products, farm and garden and grounds work, office tasks, serving children and seniors at our community outreach center, helping with the upkeep of our buildings and the homes of our neighbors, etc.

As Koinonia moves into its sixth decade, our vision is to continue living the legacy of Clarence Jordan and the early Koinonians, responding to the same spirit that moved our founders, as we adapt to the challenges and struggles of the twenty-first century.

Our Mission, should we choose to accept it....