choses #6: Spring/94


Well, I am back (again) from across the wide Pacific and there is a postcard from Craig threatening to go to press without me. You can go to war without me but, please do not go to press without me.

Not that I have anything too profound to say right now. It is baseball season, thankfully. I travelled directly from Manila to Cincinnati last weekend so as to be at the season opener. I was back in KC for the Royals' home opener on Friday. My 1994 rotisserie teams suck but they have more fun than the other teams.

My first night home I had telephone calls from the Rice-man and from Shoe, trying to plan some get-togethers soon. I cannot wait. There isn't much time to catch either of those two acts before they haul their sorry asses (and all their worldly shit) off to new sites.

I am planning on an eastern tournee in June. Howell Farm is a definite stop and I hope the annual FOT picnic in D.C. I have not been to Fenway Park in several years, either, so watch out. A mere phone call or letter can oftentimes inspire me to add stops along the way, so try, try, try.

A top priority at the Farm is to actually begin the serious work of organizing a summer/1995 AnTrac (\amp; friends of AnTrac) reunion. The goal is to have plans final (as final gets) and in the mail by August this year, a full year in advance of the event. There is no fixed plan yet, however, so I remain open to your ideas and suggestions. But do, for now, reserve August 1995 until you hear exact dates, and think New Jersey. Oh, baby.

Now, Craig-meister, you can go to press, straight to press, do not pass go and you're sure not going to collect $200 for this; just do it. I think we need a CHOSES' writers convention; somebody work on that, would you. Peace, friends.

John Elmer