10 Commandments of Humor

Date:    Tue, 21 Mar 2000 17:02:29 -0500
From:    Ron Fieldhouse 
Subject: Ref: Humor
  1. Slow down and search for humor; collect and share it.
  2. Seek the company of cheerful companions.
  3. Compare your situation to something outrageously worse.
  4. Play daily, especially when you think you don't have time.
  5. If you think you will laugh about it later, decide to laugh about it now.
  6. Remember that good humor always laughs with, not at.
  7. Decorate your surroundings with things that make you smile
  8. Recall your funniest memories and laugh again.
  9. Bring laughter to others and you will lift your own spirits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Remember that we make but one journey through this life and that a merry heart will lighten your steps.
"My 2 1/2 cents worth on the debate on humor on the "List""..........
I think a reasonable amount of humor is needed on the list.  I don't
think being bombarded with it day in and day out is good, but using a
little common sense helps also.
I have found after 3 years in the MM battle, a little humor goes a long
way.  When I go to the hospital for my chemo, which I go in tomorrow for
4th round VAD,  I joke around with the nurses and it rubs off on them
and soon we are all laughing and the 4 days go by quickly.  The attitude
of all of us is greatly changed.  I am enclosing an item called, "Ten
Commandments For Using Humor to Reduce Stress", which by the way, I
found at my Oncology Dept. and I did post this on the List a while back
and didn"t get any response to it.  I think now is a good time to repeat

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