Andrew E. Long

Curriculum Vitae


Department of Epidemiology                  
University of Michigan
109 Observatory St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029

BioMedware, Inc
516 North State Street
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104
phone: (734) 913-1098
fax: (734) 913-2201

1228 McIntyre
Ann Arbor, MI, 48105
phone: (734) 764-0195



Numerical Analysis, Math Modelling, Approximation Theory, Geostatistics and Spatial Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Computers in Math Instruction and Research




Long, A. and C. Long. Surface Approximation and Interpolation Via Matrix SVD. Accepted for publication, 1999, The College Mathematics Journal.

Long, A. E., T. E. Prewitt, J. S. Kaufman, C. N. Rotimi, R. S. Cooper, and D. L. McGee. Weight-Height Relationships among Eight Populations of West African Origin: the Case against Constant BMI Standards. International Journal of Obesity, 22:842-846, 1998.

Luke, A., A. Long, R. Cooper, T. Forrester, R. Wilks, F. Bennett, and O. Ogunbiyi. Leptin and Body Composition Among Nigerians, Jamaicans, and US Blacks. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 1998.

Hern, T., C. Long, and A. Long. Order of Integration and a Minimal Surface. The College Mathematics Journal, Vol. 29, #2, March 1998.

Kaufman, J. S., A. E. Long, Y. Liao, R. S. Cooper, and D. L. McGee. The Relationship between Race/Ethnicity, Income, and Mortality in the United States: Observations and hypotheses from the National Health Interview Survey (1986-1990). Epidemiology, Vol 9, #2, 1998.

Kaufman, J. S., M. C. Asuzu, J. Mufunda, T. Forrester, R. Wilks, A. Luke, A. E. Long, and R. S. Cooper. Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index in Lean Populations. Hypertension, Vol. 30, #6, December, 1997:1511-1516.

Liao, Y., R. S. Cooper, G. Cao, J. S. Kaufman, A. E. Long, and D. L. McGee. Mortality from coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease among adult US Hispanics: findings from the National Health Interview Survey (1986 to 1994). JACC, Vol. 30, #5, November 1, 1997:1200-5.

Long, A. E., J. G. Brown, and D. J. Gellenbeck. Statistical analysis of nitrate in ground water, West Salt River Valley, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4185, 38 p., 1997.

Long, A., and D. Myers. A New Form of the Cokriging Equations. Mathematical Geology, 29:685-703, 1997.

Xie, T., D. Myers, and A. Long. Fitting Matrix-Valued Variogram Models by Simultaneous Diagonalization. Mathematical Geology 27(7):877-888, 1995.

Long, A., and R. Michod. Origin of Sex for Error Repair: I. Sex, Haploidy, and Diploidy. Theoretical Population Biology, 47(1):18-55, 1995.

Michod, R. and A. Long. Origin of Sex for Error Repair: II. Rarity and Extreme Environments. Theoretical Population Biology, 47(1):56-70, 1995.




Long, A., et al. The GeoMed Project. A web-based introduction to Spatial Analysis of Disease Patterns. 1998-1999.

Long, A., et al. Ripon Good Math. A LISP-based free-ware software package for students of mathematics, used as a flexible teaching lab enabling students to experiment with calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, scientific visualization, etc. Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX versions available. 1995-1999.

Long, A. Geo-EAS (UNIX port). Geo-EAS is a popular software package for geostatistical analysis. 1994-1999.