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CHAPTER 18 The Network
18.4 Trouble shooting the Ethernet
Some common error messages related to the network that you might come across are:
- le0 no carrier - transceiver cable problem?
Check the transceiver cable to make sure that you are properly connected to the network. Sun, especially on it's older boxes, is notorious for having bad connections here; try a different transceiver box. It could also be another hardware problem on the network, such as a damaged cable, or a faulty bridge or router.
- le0 ethernet jammed
Make sure that the ethernet cable is terminated at both ends.
- unknown host
The remote hostname can't be resolved into an IP address. Try using the IP address. If this works you need to check your name resolution.
- network unreachable
Your machine doesn't have a route to the remote host. Use "netstat -rn" to check the routing tables and set a default route if necessary.
- no answer or Connection timed out or cannot connect
Your machine has a route to the remote host, but is not receiving any response from it. The network may be down, or the remote host may not have a route back to your machine, or one or both machines may be misconfigured. Check your network configuration with ifconfig.
- 18.4.1 - etherfind
- 18.4.2 - snoop
- 18.4.3 - IRIX 5.X
- 18.4.4 - Digital UNIX
Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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