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CHAPTER 20 Distributed File System Administration
20.4 SunOS 5.X
SunOS 5.X uses a common set of commands and files to administer both the Network File System (NFS) and the Remote File Sharing (RFS) system. This combination is known as the Distributed File System (DFS). These common set of commands for DFS replace the individual commands for NFS and RFS of SunOS 4.X. Through DFS you can share files, directories, and devices over the network.
The operative word with DFS is sharing. With DFS we share file systems, rather than export them. /etc/exports and exportfs are gone. In place of these files we have the control files in the /etc/dfs directory and the share and shareall commands. The files in /etc/dfs are:
- dfstab containing commands for sharing resources across the network
- fstypes which registers the DFS packages on the system, i.e. nfs and rfs
- sharetab containing a table of local resources being shared
- 20.4.1 - /etc/dfs/dfstab
- 20.4.2 - /etc/dfs/fstypes
- 20.4.3 - /etc/dfs/sharetab
- 20.4.4 - Daemons
- 20.4.5 - The Automount File System, autofs
- 20.4.6 - Utilities
Unix System Administration - 8 AUG 1996
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