Startup Activities
- A website made it official (especially a consulting form)
- (It's amazing what legitimacy this appears to confer: I have a website,
therefore I am....)
- We "hung out a shingle" (got a plaque for the office!)
- For student consultants we had two stats types, two applied math
types. The students were cherry-picked (and still are): we get
recommendations from professors.
- Stats types might have analysis and design, and the
non-calculus-based series
- Applied math types would have calculus-based statistics,
modeling, DE, etc. - less statistics.
- We used existing projects, grants, etc. to prime the pump
- The students themselves beat the bushes, and brought projects to the
- Initially we made contacts with nursing, and ever since they have
provided a slew of projects (they'd traditionally pestered our
statisticians heavily): e.g. asthma study (recommendations and
number of office visits), job perks and hiring, knee pain studies
- We began taking the calls that the secretaries found so hard to route
- Business was steady: we realized that the need was at least as great as
we'd expected.