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Project 3

Maintaining a Database
Using the
Design and Update Features of Access

Maintaining a Database

Restructure Database
  1. Add additional fields
  2. Change characteristics of fields
  3. adding secondary indexes
Maintaining Records

Adding, Deleting, and Changing records (mass updates or deletions)

General Terms

Creating Validation Rules

Creating a Lookup Field

Referential Integrity

Creating and Using Indexes

Advantages :
  1. Retrieve records quicker
  2. List records in different order

Create an Index if one or more of the following conditions are present.

  1. The field is the primary key of the table
  2. The field is the foreign key in a relationship you have created
  3. You frequently need your data sorted on the field
  4. You frequently need to locate a record based on a value in this field

Backup and Recovery

In the Lab 2


Maintaining a Database
Using the Design and Update Features of Access


Computer Assignment 9

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