At the end of the semester, you are required to submit a written report summarizing your experience as a co-op student.  This report must be type written, double spaced and 5-6 pages in length plus a title page.  Accuracy in grammar, punctuation, and spelling is required and may be taken into consideration when determining the final grade.  The report should be "open ended" to provide freedom of expression, but also related to the following topics:


         I.    Summary statement of job duties and responsibilities.

A.   Mental processes used on job.          

1.   Routines, instruction, procedures, and applications requiring memorization.

2.   Relationship of academic studies to work responsibilities.

3.   Problem solving.

4.   Innovation and creativity.

B.   Work output (results).

1.   Responsibility for certain activities.

2.   Contribution of significant or constructive changes.

3.   Completed projects.

C.   Interpersonal relationships.

1.   Supervisor.

2.   Customers.

3.   Fellow workers.

D.     Job satisfaction.


         II.   Statement of present learning objectives.

A.   How you have met objectives. Give examples of how accomplished (cite entries in log).

B.       Why you did not meet a certain objective.  This does not reflect negatively on experience; in fact, not meeting an objective can sometimes be a more valuable learning experience than meeting one.


         III.  Relevancy of experience.

A.   Personal maturity or growth.

B.   Academic application.

C.   Identification of special interests.

D.   Improvement in technical areas.

E.   Improvement of interpersonal skills (communications).

E.       Significance of co-op assignment.


         IV.  Formulation of "next level" learning objectives (Objectives should be established whether or not you will co-op next semester).

A.   Should be challenging but within practical attainable limits.

B.   Should be measurable as to achievement.

C.     Can be either technical, interpersonal, or both.


V.       Summary statement describing the effect of your job and co-op on your career plans.

VI.      Constructive and frank recommendations concerning current policies and operations of Program