IFS 105 Computer Assignment 10

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 10

In the Lab 1 PPT 69 - PPT 71

Proper Tire Care Presentation

Learn It Online

(see pages PPT 70 - PPT 71) for model, print in black and white)

  1. In step 1 on PPT 71, substitute a different design template for the Watermark design if you do not have the Watermark design on your computer. Write at the top of your paper in pen the design template used if you did not use the Watermark design template.

  2. In step 2 on PPT 71, enter under your name the days and time your class starts, in the title area of the title slide, in addition to your name.
    (example Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00 am section 001)

  3. In step 7 on PPT 71, Print all six slides out on one piece of paper using the Handouts option from the Print dialog box. Steps:

    Click to enlarge graphic1. Click the File Menu
    2. Click Print...
    3. In the Print Dialog box under the Print what: drop-down list choose Handouts
    4. In the Print Dialog box under the Color/grayscale: drop-down list choose Pure Black and White.
    5. Click the Preview button, then print to the printer.

Click the icon on right to see example. Click Back button on browser when done.

Number of pages required: 1 

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