IFS 105 Computer Assignment 1

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 1

In the Lab 2 WD 68-69

Creating an Announcement with Resized Clip Art

University Animal Clinic Announcement
(see page WD 69 FIGURE 1-79 for model)

Learn It Online

Hints and Corrections:

  1. In step 5  on page WD 69 use Arial not "or a similar font"  if your computer does not have Matura MT Script Capitals font. Please write a note on your paper that you used Arial font on your title if you do not have the Matura MT Script Capitals font.
  2. In step 12  on page WD 69, type in the word pets as the search word, if the caring for pets clipart is not installed in Clip Gallery save it from this web page onto a floppy disk or flash drive.  Right-click on the caring for pets clipart graphic on this web page, click Save Image (Picture) As... on the short-cut menu, Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or your flash drive letter from the Save In: selection drop-down box on the Save As... (Save Picture) dialog box, Click Save Button Icon, go to your Word document and position your cursor between the headline and the body title line, click the Insert menu, point to Picture, click From File...,  Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or your flash drive letter from the Look In: selection drop-down box on the Insert Picture dialog box, double-click on the file i105assn1.gif to insert it.  Center the graphic by clicking the Center button on the Formatting toolbar.
  3. In step 13  on page WD 69  enlarge clip using the following steps. Right-click on the graphic, click Format Picture... on the short-cut menu, click the Size tab at the top of the dialog box, make sure there is a check mark in the Lock aspect ratio check box, change the height size to 129% by clicking the up-arrow under the Scale divider in the middle of the dialog box, the width size should also be 129%.
  4. To get the words to word-wrap as shown in the book on page WD 69 use the following suggestions. Use only one space instead of two between sentences. Also make sure that the page margins are set to Word's default settings. (1 inch top and bottom margins, and 1.25 inches left and right margins)
     Steps to Change Margins:
    Click File, click Page Setup..., click the Margins tab at top of dialog box, change the margins to values indicated above, click the OK command button.
  5. Type your first and last name, class and section number, and date at the top of the page using Word's header feature. Steps: Click the View menu, click Header and Footer drop-down menu, type your first and last name, press the Tab key on the keyboard, type class number (IFS 105) and section number (001, 002, etc.) or time class meets, press the Tab key on the keyboard, enter current date by pressing the Alt + Shift + D key combination on the keyboard. Click the Close button the the Header and Footer floating toolbar.

Number of pages required: 1

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