IFS 105 Computer Assignment 2

IFS 105 Computer Assignment 2

In the Lab 1 WD 130-131

Preparing a Short Research Paper

Learn It Online

(see page WD 130 (FIGURE 2-80a), WD 131 (FIGURE 2-80b) and WD 131 (FIGURE 2-80c) for model)

Class Demo Files

Hints and Corrections:

  1. In setting up the header use your last name before the page number.
  2. In title block use your name and your course information. (nnn - section number, xx - date)

    Your name
    Mr. David J. Manning
    Intro. To Business Computing IFS 105-nnn
    February xx, 2007 


  3. On the works cited page, a screen printout demonstrating access to the Shelly and Cashman
    web site referenced in your paper is required.  How to obtain the required screen printout will
    be shown in class.  If your link does not work the last part of link is wc (one) not (L) .htm. Failure to have the required screen printout will result in a 10 points being deducted from the grade for the assignment.
  4. In Step 12 on page WD 131, put the Word count into your header under your name and page number do not worry about the number of paragraphs or characters mentioned in the book. Steps: go to Header and Footer on the View menu, place the insertion point to the right of your page number, press enter, type "Word Count ", type in the number of words in the document using the Word Count feature of the software.

Number of pages required: 4 (with Works Cited Page and screen printout demonstrating access to the Shelly and Cashman web site)

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